
Present a list of promotional items accompanied by icons, offering a visually appealing and informative display.

  • Component configuration
    Page field Data
    "heading":"Icons column"
    "heading":"Icons row",
    "heading":"Icons top row",
  • Promotion group details
    Available fields
    Title Bold text.
    Link Optional external link. Component flag "singlePromoView" sets the link to the individual promo item view.
    Excerpt Optional smaller text under the title.
    Description Optional smaller text under the title and/or excerpt. You might use this area on a singe promo view page and hide it from the component.
    Primary image Minimum width of 160px svg, png, jpg.

Icons top row

  • Placeholder icon 1
    Sunt nihil

    Voluptates aut eos rerum quae neque aut ea facilis consequuntur est dolorem.

  • Placeholder icon 2
    Ratione magni

    Magnam ipsa quibusdam est a maxime cupiditate nihil exercitationem minus sed hic.

  • Placeholder icon 3
    Et in

    Dolorum quam ut optio animi tempora sed aut quod velit aliquam est.

  • Placeholder icon 4
    Aliquid odio

    Velit sed tempore voluptas doloremque fuga totam sint quidem id facilis sunt.