Creating site specific modules

Module names should be singular and kebab-case.

Example new features

  • "Spotlight" php artisan base:module spotlight
  • "Expanding Grid" php artisan base:module expanding-grid

"Expanding Grid" command result

$ php artisan base:module expanding-grid
resources/views/components/expanding-grid.blade.php written successfully.
styleguide/Http/Controllers/ComponentExpandingGridController.php written successfully.
styleguide/menu.json written successfully.
styleguide/Pages/ComponentExpandingGrid.php written successfully.

"modular-expanding-grid" is now ready to use. 🚀

Customizing the component

  1. Update `styleguide/Pages/ComponentExpandingGrid.php` to provide a description of the modular component
  2. Update `styleguide/Http/Controllers/ComponentExpandingGridController.php` to include required fields and config options
  3. Update `resources/views/components/expanding-grid.blade.php` to create the HTML of the component
  4. Add the "modular-expanding-grid" custom page field to the CMS site to start using component on pages