
  • Component configuration
    Page field Data
  • Promotion group details
    Available fields
    Title Displays as a cited name below the quote.
    Link Optional external link. Component flag "singlePromoView" sets the link to the individual promo item view.
    Excerpt Main quote area by default. If component flag "showDescription" is set to true, excerpt can display underneath the name like a degree or job title.
    Accepts only these html entities: “ ” <em> <strong>
    Description Can be used as the quote area if the component flag "showDescription" is set to true.
    Filename Primary promo image, 600x600px or any square size. Other sizes will be centered to fit in the circle.

Spotlight column

“Aspernatur doloremque atque quasi eos placeat. Libero occaecati eius pariatur officiis sint. Expedita illum quia recusandae unde ex.”

Placeholder image 0
Tate Nitzsche Craft Artist